Radio frequency technology

Rogers PCB

Rogers PCB

Rogers PCB is high-performance high-frequency circuit board that uses Rogers company’s unique high-frequency circuit board materials. It has excellent dielectric properties, thermal stability, and mechanical strength, and can operate reliably under harsh conditions such as high temperature, high humidity, high frequency, and high speed. Rogers PCB has different material combinations to choose from, which may […]

Radar PCB

Radar PCB

Radar PCB is an important component of the radar system, responsible for signal transmission, data processing, and the transmission and reception of radio waves. It is a printed circuit board specifically designed for radar systems, which integrates various electronic components and circuits to achieve signal transmission, processing, and conversion functions. Compared with ordinary PCB boards,

Antenna PCB

Antenna PCB

What is antenna PCB? Antenna PCB is a wireless communication component based on printed circuit boards, widely used in the field of wireless communication. Antenna PCBs are an indispensable part of modern electronic devices, especially playing a crucial role in wireless communication. It is a special type of printed circuit board that integrates antenna function.

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