Introduction to microwave radar sensor pcb

With the help of microwave radar sensors pcb, people can detect the movement of objects, so as to realize such functions as people coming to light up and people leaving to light out, intelligent linkage and scene definition, and thus it is widely used in the fields of smart lighting, smart home, smart home appliances, smart security and so on.

The working principle of the radar induction circuit board is to utilize the propagation law of electromagnetic wave in the air to sense the surrounding environment by transmitting microwave signals and receiving echo signals. The specific process is as follows:

  1. Transmit signals: the microwave radar sensor pcb transmits an electromagnetic signal through the antenna, and this signal can be continuous or pulse signal.
  2. Received Signal: When the transmitted signal encounters a target object, it will echo back and be received by the antenna. The received signal will be separated into two signals, respectively called “I road” and “Q road”, their phase difference is proportional to the distance from the target to the antenna.
  3. Signal processing: The signals of “I road” and “Q road” are amplified by differential amplifier, and then processed by amplification, filtering, frequency stabilization, etc., as the input of phasor detector. The phase detector detects the phase difference between the two signals to obtain the distance information between the target and the radar. Meanwhile, the signal processor can also perform more complete target object information extraction on the processed signal.

The composition of the radar sensing circuit board mainly includes the following parts.
RC oscillation circuit: the core part of the radar sensing module, composed of the capacitance between the two layers of copper foil of the PCB outside the collector, the internal resistance of the transistor, parasitic capacitance, etc., through the high-frequency transistor of the back of the PCB copper-laying shielding to shield the interference and generate high frequency signals.
Antenna: The antenna around the three sides of the PCB is used for transmitting and receiving high-frequency signals to realize the basic function of radar sensing.

Doppler effect principle: the radar sensing module utilizes the Doppler effect principle, that is, when there is a relative motion between the target object and the radar, the frequency of the received signal will change, thus detecting the object’s motion status.
Photosensitive element: It is used to detect day and night light as a prerequisite for controlling the output under nighttime conditions, realizing the driving demand of no action during the daytime and action only at night.
These components work together to enable the microwave radar sensor pcb to detect and sense objects according to changes in ambient light and the Doppler effect principle.

microwave radar sensor pcb

The main roles of the radar PCB board include:

Provide support and connection of electronic components: the microwave radar sensor pcb is arranged with a variety of electronic components, such as integrated circuits, capacitors, inductors, etc., and is able to provide support and connection of these components so that they can work properly.

Realize signal processing and data transmission: the circuits on the microwave radar sensor pcb can process and analyze the received radar signals, extract useful information, and transmit the data to other parts for further processing.

Realize power amplification: the radar system needs to amplify the signal to enhance the signal strength and distance detection ability.
The power amplification circuit on the radar PCB can realize this function.

RF signal processing: the radar system in the RF signal needs to be processed and adjusted to meet the needs of different radar applications.
Radar PCB board on the radio frequency circuit can realize this function.

    Radar PCB products in the radar system has an important position and role.With the continuous development of radar technology and the expansion of application areas, the demand for it is also increasing.In the future,radar PCB products will pay more attention to the development of high performance, miniaturization, low power consumption and reliability to meet the needs of different radar applications.

    Radar PCB board products are an indispensable and important part of the radar system and have a key role. It can realize signal processing, data transmission, power amplification and RF signal processing and other functions, widely used in military radar, civil radar and automotive radar and other fields. In the future, radar PCB products will continue to develop to meet the growing demand for radar applications.

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