Electronic manufacturer

pcb potting

PCB Potting and Coating: Process Comparison and Selection

PCB potting refers to the filling of potting adhesive into the void of PCB. Potting (potting) is the polyurethane potting adhesive, silicone potting adhesive, epoxy resin potting adhesive with equipment or manual way into the device equipped with electronic components, lines within the device, at room temperature or under heating conditions to become a thermosetting […]

hdi boards

Difference between fr4 boards and hdi boards

Circuit boards are a critical component in modern electronic products, and HDI boards and FR-4 circuit boards are two common circuit substrate materials used in the electronics industry. Although they both have unique advantages and application scenarios, there are significant differences in performance, manufacturing processes and areas of application. Comparatively, FR-4 boards, while stable in

custom stencil

How to make custom stencils and cost impact factors

Custom stencils refer to the customization of stencil products with different specifications, materials, and shapes according to the specific needs of customers. Customers can choose different materials, specifications, and shapes, as well as different mesh sizes and arrangements according to their needs. In addition, customized stencils can also be surface-treated and coated according to customers’

smt stencil

SMT stencil: the core tool for electronics manufacturing

SMT stencil is SMT-specific molds whose main function is to aid in the deposition of solder paste, to transfer the exact amount of paste to the exact location on an empty PCB. Stainless steel mesh was initially made of wire mesh, then due to its durability, iron wire mesh, copper wire mesh, and finally stainless

Fr4 Dielectric Constant

Fr4 Dielectric Constant: Impact and Selection

The fr4 dielectric constant is a physical quantity that measures the degree of polarization of a dielectric material in the presence of an electric field. For copper-clad materials, the dielectric constant determines the speed of signal propagation in a circuit as well as the delay of the signal.The dielectric constant of Fr4 is usually in

Thick Film Ceramic PCB

Properties and Applications of Thick Film Ceramic PCB

Thick film ceramic PCB is an advanced circuit board technology that combines the excellent properties of ceramic materials with the flexibility of printed circuits. These boards are widely used in many fields because of their excellent high-temperature resistance, high insulation, excellent thermal conductivity, and high reliability. Thick film ceramic PCB adopts ceramic material as the

ceramic pcb

Ceramic PCB: Advantages and Applications

A ceramic pcb is a circuit board based on ceramic material, also known as a ceramic substrate or ceramic circuit board. It is prepared using ceramic powder and organic binder, and the circuit is prepared by printing conductive metal paste, which is sintered at high temperatures to form a pcb board. Ceramic printed circuit boards

pcb board soldering

PCB Board Soldering: Processes and Practices

With the rapid development of science and technology,printed circuit boards (PCBs) are more and more widely used in electronic equipment. PCB Board Soldering as a key link in the PCB manufacturing process,its quality directly affects the function and reliability of the entire circuit board. Overview of welding technologyWelding technology is a method of connection through

Heavy Copper PCB

Heavy Copper PCB

Heavy Copper PCB is a special type of printed circuit board with a copper foil thickness much greater than that of conventional circuit boards. These boards are specially treated during the manufacturing process and are characterized by high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity and high stability, and therefore excel in high-current and high-frequency application scenarios.


Cutting-edge technology and superior quality for rigid flex PCB

What is rigid flex PCB? Rigid Flex PCB is a type of printed circuit board that combines a rigid board with a flexible board. It has both the rigidity and stability of a rigid board and the bendability of a flex board. This unique structure allows rigid-flex PCBs to adapt to complex and changing assembly

rogers pcb

Rogers PCB: Innovation Leads to Unlimited Potential

Rogers PCB is a high performance circuit board material used in a wide range of high frequency and high speed electronic devices. Its unique physical and electrical properties have made Rogers PCBs popular in modern communications, automotive electronics, aerospace and other critical applications. The Rogers PCB manufacturing process represents the best technology in the industry.

FR4 Ultra-thin PCB

FR4 Ultra-thin PCB with excellent performance

In today’s high-tech era, electronic products are becoming thinner, lighter, and more compact, and the requirements for circuit boards are becoming increasingly stringent. FR4 ultra-thin pcb, as high-performance, high-reliability circuit boards, have become the first choice for many electronic equipment manufacturing areas. AdvantagesHigh performance: FR4 ultra-thin pcb is made of FR4 material, which has good


Characterization and Application of Flexible PCB Material

Flexible PCB material, which mainly includes substrates and cover films, is an important force driving the progress of electronic devices. The substrate is the main component of the flexible circuit board, which determines the mechanical and electrical properties of the flexible circuit board. Common substrates include polyimide (PI), polyester (PET), polyetherimide (PEI), and so on.

flexible pcb cost

Flexible PCB Cost: Influencing Factors and Control Strategies

Flexible pcb cost plays an important role in modern electronic products. Due to their specialized materials and complex manufacturing processes, flexible circuit boards are often expensive to produce, influenced by raw materials, design complexity, and market demand.An in-depth understanding of these cost factors is essential to optimize sourcing and design strategies. 1.Raw Material CostsThe flexible


Flex Circuit is Leading a New Chapter in Electronic Technology

What is flex circuit? Flexible circuit boards, also known as flexible electronic circuits, are a kind of electronic components installed in the flexible plastic substrate (such as polyimide, polyether ether ketone, or transparent conductive polyester and other polymer materials) on the composition of the special circuit. It has the characteristics of being lightweight, thin thickness,

flexible circuit board

Introduction to Flexible pcb

What is flexible pcb?It is a special type of printed circuit board that is made of a flexible substrate with excellent bendability and lightweight. Compared to traditional rigid circuit boards, FPC can adapt to a variety of complex application scenarios and is therefore widely used in consumer electronics, medical devices, automotive electronics, aerospace, robotics, and

PCB Schematic 

PCB Schematic 

PCB schematic, as a drawing that describes how the various components of a circuit board are connected, is a fundamental tool for electronic engineers to design and analyze circuits. Also known as a circuit schematic or circuit diagram, it is a drawing that uses graphic symbols to represent the connection relationships of a circuit. Through

PCB impedance test

PCB Impedance Calculator

PCB Impedance Calculator is a software tool for calculating the impedance of transmission lines on PCBs. By using it, engineers can quickly and accurately predict and optimize the impedance performance of a PCB to ensure reliable signal transmission. PCB Impedance is the ratio of voltage to current in a circuit and is used to measure


Prototype PCB Assembly 

Prototype pcb assembly refers to the assembly of electronic components, wires, connectors and other parts on a circuit board according to the circuit design diagram to form a circuit board sample with a specific function. This process is important for verifying the circuit design, optimizing product performance, and shortening the development cycle. Basic flow of

PCB Layout

PCB Layout

What is PCB Layout? PCB Layout refers to the layout design of a PCB board, which is the process of converting a circuit diagram into a physical layout of a PCB. In the design process, it is necessary to arrange and connect components, signal lines, power lines, ground and other elements reasonably according to the

Turnkey PCB Assembly

Turnkey PCB Assembly

Turnkey PCB assembly is a service approach in which the supplier takes full responsibility for all processes of the PCB project, including the procurement of electronic components, the manufacture of printed circuit boards, PCBA assembly services, PCBA testing, final assembly and testing, and shipping. This service model aims to provide customers with a “plug and

SMT Assembly Factory

SMT Assembly

SMT = Surface Mount Technology, SMT is currently the most popular technology and process in the electronic assembly industry. The electronic manufacturing industry is experiencing rapid development. SMT assembly, as the core technology of this transformation, is leading electronic manufacturing towards a new future. SMT assembly is a technology that directly installs electronic components on

Electrical Components

Electrical Components

In today’s high-tech era, electronic components are ubiquitous, they are the cornerstone of a variety of electronic devices and systems, which often consist of several parts, and can be common in similar products. There are various types of electrical components, which can be classified according to different classification standards. It can be divided into resistors,

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit

Integrated circuit = IC, an IC is a type of microelectronic device that developed in the late 1950s to 1960s as a new type of semiconductor device. It is an electronic device that undergoes semiconductor manufacturing processes such as oxidation, photolithography, diffusion, epitaxy, and aluminum evaporation, integrating all the semiconductor, resistor, capacitor, and other components

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